moses basket / (ˈməʊzɪz) /


moses basket 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a portable cradle for a baby, often made of straw or wicker

moses basket 近义词

moses basket

等同于 cradle

moses basket 的近义词 7
moses basket

等同于 crib

更多moses basket例句

  1. “When he put me on the phone, I talked to her, and told her, ‘Moses was working on writing stuff,’” he recalled.
  2. And the next time his friend saw Moses, it was online; his bloody body was slapped on a stretcher.
  3. Moses felt like he was doing something finally; that this was going to be his thing and he wanted her to know it.
  4. The scriptural Moses is defined by his frailties, his inability to act.
  5. And, in a gratuitous show of homicidal prowess, Moses kills two assassins he meets while wandering in the desert of Sinai.
  6. Here there was a scuffling sound in the basket, and the Roc rapped on the cover with her hard beak, and cried, "Hush!"
  7. About her neck was hung a covered basket and a door-key; and Davy at once concluded that she was Sindbad's house-keeper.
  8. Then the croupier tears open two packets of new cards, flinging the old ones into a waste-paper basket at his side.
  9. When the days were fine, Jean in his basket assisted at the dramatic performance in the market-place.
  10. Below the round thing hung a square basket, with many ropes, and other things, fast to it.